1951 (NYC)
Many of his books on the value chain and understanding what companies offer witin the industries in which they work were written between 1995-2011.
He invented the "Hassle Map" to help companies conclude on what to do differently. Values are expanding and by tapping into the upside potential of increasing opportunities, firms can increase their capabilites and revenues for newcomers and incumbants.
1. What is the psychology of our customers? What do they want out of life? How do existing products meet those desires? And if they don’t, why not?
2. Which hassles drive customers crazy? Are there hassles they barely notice because they’re so familiar—but which we might be able to fix?
3. What is using our current product really like? What are its strengths?—and more important, what are its weaknesses? Where does our product waste customers’ time, even if only a few seconds? Where does it squander their money, even if only a dollar or two? Where does it create needless confusion, even if it’s only momentary? Where does it require extra steps, even only one or two? Where does it generate avoidable risks, even if they’re seemingly remote?