Der Cash Flow zeigt welche finanziellen Mittel ein Unternehmen in einer Periode erwirtschaftet hat.  Es handelt sich um den Teil der Umsatzeinnahmen, der nicht kurzfristig wieder zu Ausgaben führt, sondern für die Schuldentilgung oder für Investionnen verwendbar ist ("Umsatzüberschuss"). Zur Bestimmung des Cash Flow dient folgende Gleichung:



+ NICHT zahlungswirksame (liquiditätswirksame)   


  •  (z.B. Abschreibungen
  •   Wertberichtigungen
  •   Erhöhung Pensionsrückstellungen)

- NICHT zahlungswirsame (liquiditätswirksame)   


  •  (z.B. Rückstellungsaufläsung
  •   Ausfläsung Wertberichtigung


Die Veränderung des Working Capitals berücksichtigt wurde, entspricht der operative Cashflow der Summe der Liquiden Mittel, die aus der operativen Tätigkeit generiert werden konnten und nun für Investitionen, Kredittilgungen und Ausschüttungen an Eigenkapitalgeber zur Verfügung stehen.

Während der Cashflow aus dem Ergebnis auch Cashflow auf Basis Working Capital gennant wird, wird der operative Cashflow auch als Cashflow auf Basis liquider Mittel bezeichnet, da er alle Mittel umfasst, die gewissermaßen früher oder später dem Unternehmen als liquide Mittel zu- oder abfließen werden.

08_Operativer Cash Flow.xlsx
Microsoft Excel Tabelle 41.0 KB

Company, Inc.
Statement of Cash Flows


For the year ended December 31, 199X




Cash Flows from Operating Activities


Cash received from customers
éCash received as interest income  *


ëCash received as dividend income 


éCash paid for cost of goods sold *


êCash paid for selling expenses


ëCash paid for general & administrative expenses


Cash paid for interest (including interest on capital leases)


Cash paid for income taxes


Cash that would have been paid for taxes except for “excess tax deduction” related to stock based compensation


     Net cash provided by (or used by) operating activities




Cash Flows from Investing Activities


Cash received from sale of property, plant, & equipment


Cash received from sale of investments


Cash received from repayment of note receivables


Cash paid to acquire property, plant, and equipment


Cash paid to acquire investments


Cash paid out as a loan


Net cash provided by (or used by) investing activities




Cash Flows from Financing Activities


Cash received as proceeds from issuance of debt


Cash received as proceeds from issuance of stock


Cash received as proceeds from reissuance of treasury stock


Cash paid to repay debt (principal payment)


Cash paid on principal related to capital leases


Cash paid to reacquire stock (purchase treasury stock)


Cash paid as dividends


Cash retained due to “excess tax deduction” related to stock options


Net cash provided by (or used by) financing activities


Net increase (decrease) in cash


Beginning cash and cash equivalents balance


=Ending cash and cash equivalents balance




Schedule of Noncash Investing and Financing Activities
Assets for Liabilities &/or Equity
Liabilities &/or Equity for Assets
Liabilities for Equity and Equity for Liabilities
Capital lease (acquisition of asset and obligation for lessee)


A reconciliation of net income to cash provided by operations




*Brackets indicate items that are normally combined